Saturday, July 19, 2008

Recovering & Reworking

Since I returned from Mexico I have been taking a good look at my life, where I am headed and where I want to go. I have been in a transition phase for some time now, evaluating what lies ahead and what God is calling me to in my life.

In some ways this time has been very beautiful. I have made wonderful, good and faithful friends. I have entered a new career and challenged myself in the corporate world. I have become active in my church. I have my own apartment or "haven of tranquility" as my brother David calls it. I have been learning to live alone and build my own life that is not dependent on anyone else but myself. It has been a really good time.

But I am feeling it is time to move on. I am not sure in what sense I mean this, maybe physically, maybe a change of jobs, maybe a change of career and life direction. I am a bit frustrated with my current job, I am no longer satisfied with just intellectual challenge, I need to be spiritually challenged. I want to serve God full time.

My friend Mike was accepted into the Franciscans and will be moving to Portland in September. Today I saw him and he is full of the grace of God and the buoyancy that comes when God is leading us to the next big step in our lives. I can't say I was not a bit envious.

My constant sense of being on the verge of something new in my life but having no idea what it could possibly be is difficult. But I also am trying to have trust in God and in His plan for my life - that is far more wonderful than anything I could possibly imagine.

I would like to ask for my friends and family's prayers during this time. All of you are so important to me and beautiful examples of what it means to live in God's will. Please pray that I find my way to the path He has laid out for me.

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