Today is my Dad's birthday -
Thanks God for the day my Dad was born!
During my Dad's birthday call, I asked him a few questions that have been on my mind lately and he gave me some beautiful answers that I thought I would share with you my dear friends, (I figure I should not hog him all to myself).
- Question - Why is God more present in the Eucharist than in my room? Isn't he infinitely powerful and all present?
- Question - Then how is He present in my room in a different way?
- Question - When I feel a push to pray for someone I do not know on the street, sometimes I feel like I am like God's spy, notifying Him of someone He needs to help. But this can't be right because God knows everything - so, how is this possible?
- Question - Why does God needs us? He is all powerful, He could help that person without our prayers, right?
Isn't God beautiful? We are so undeserving of His love and yet He loves us and chooses to make us a part of expressing His love in the world.
Aren't I lucky to have a theologian for a dad?